Tuesday 13 July 2010

SUMMERRRR .. what where?

Oh yay it is now raining, thanks clouds I really appreciate it. All the sunny days planned for summer are now scrapped. I am not happy. Rain, literally fuck off.
Rant of the day - over.

Thursday 1 July 2010

.. Blogger?

Literally in my own words. "Oh crap". Blogger in my mind? Where? Yeah that's right. For the past week I completely forgot about my blog. Yes yes I understand I should be on here more but seriously for once I have nothing to talk about. If you don't already know, the past week and a few days ago I finished my GCSE's which is a huge relief gone ^_^ Also my 16th birthday just passed on the 25th of June ;D which is amazing. I really should go buy my first lottery ticket. I still don't think that anyone will believe me if I walked in there. Also I won't be posting any time in August, I'm away in the south of France for a month with my family and friends. So where is everyone going this summer, anywhere nice? I wouldn't since look outside, I don't think any of England has had this good weather in like years. So yeah, if I get any ideas for posts. Your'll know.