Monday 17 May 2010

Nice to meet you.

Right, hi I guess you already know I'm Dani. I created an account a while ago surprisingly. I never really thought to use it because I'm not great at getting my thoughts across so I decided today would be a good day to start a blog, yeah that's right. Right before my exams, clever. And did you know apparently the word "blog" isn't a proper word? The red squiggly line is telling me it's wrong -.- well that put me off task. Urgh. Right well, I'm going to attempt, in other words, try and complete my first blog. I would like to talk about random crap that happens in the day and my life. It probably won't be very interesting because my life isn't really like an episode of EastEnders? But (there's always a but in these situations right?) I am going to try very hard to keep someone out there interested. Yes my unfortunate so called friends. I apologise.
Oh crap, I've gone off task again ¬_¬ Yeah this is will probably be what will happen every time I post.
I hope you will enjoy my posts? Danke, au reviour.