Monday 2 August 2010

What's new?

If you haven't noticed - I've had had a little refurbishment on my blog. Yes it was getting boring and dull and maybe other words you can find in the negative part of a dictionary. So yeah it's become a bit more meh meh .. let's say more acceptable.
And yeah - what's new? If I ask myself that then nothing except the fact my obsessions at the moment are on an all time high. I literally can't get enough of Kids in Glass Houses. Seriously I usually have my phrases where I go through loving one band but this is on a whole new level. Whenever I have my itunes up I have Kids in Glass Houses on repeat and whenever another band comes on (excuse my language) - I'm like "FUCK THIS" and then I'm back to where I started. I am in love. Aled Phillips is amazing. When I see them in November they'll probably be running away from me, that's how excited I am. Their music is amazing, it's like indie/rock/alternate sort of music. It won't suit all but Kids in Glass Houses are now my favourite band of all time. They're unbelievable.
Next obsession - I never usually like make an effort 24/7 to make myself look decent. I usually end up one day walking out in jeans and top because you know them days where you'd rather just lay in bed 'til you rot. Yeah well I get these days - alot. Although I've been doing well this holidays. Up every morning before 10am although I'd still going to bed as late as 3am. SHIT I'm going off task and whoops my language is atrocious. My obsession at the moment is clothes and jewellery. I've been going to town an awful lot lately because I've had nothing better to do and I've had a considerable amount more money since my birthday and from working. I've spent like way too much money on clothes. It's quite upsetting as most of the clothes I bought are summery clothes -_- And if you look outside right now you might have realised I cannot see any sun. So now I'm poor, cold and less naked clothes wise. Yay my life is complete ¬_¬
There you go, my day of obsessions. If anyone would like to check out Kids in Glass houses - Saturday, search it in youtube. It is one of their most classic songs, also the first I found which made me fall in love. Danke blog for behaving today - au reviour.

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