Tuesday 12 October 2010

Don’t you wanna take a joyride on my tandem?

I couldn't think of a title for my blog post today as it isn't really about a certain topic at all. I'm going to end up blabbing but it's normal. If you didn't already know the title is part of the lyrics to "The bike song" by Mark Ronson & The Business Intl. If you've never heard of them you should really check them out, Mark Ronson is amazing ^-^
I'm in a crap mood, how nice? It's not normal either, I'm usually so happy and jolly. Oh well :D I'm going to write and see if it cheers me up, joyous.
Most annoying things at the moment -
1. People with complete addictions to X Factor that post it all over social networks.
2. The Inbetweeners, I don't care what people say - It's so shit it's unbearable.
3. I can't really think of a third but um >.> I .. Oh well :D I don't care any more.
Guess what? I feel better now. Moan Moan Moan.
Okay quick update of my life recently. I have been pretty busy, however crazy it sounds I've been doing my work from each subjects. We get an essay from each subject like every week, yeah it's a lot but I think I picked the subjects I really want to do later in life although I had a massive spaz about film studies a few weeks ago. However everything is going really quickly lately I really like it, my whole school week seems to pass by so quickly. I do have every Wednesday off though which is crazy lucky :D
Oh yeah, since I moved house I've been living in my room >.> which for now is a little boys room with Thomas the Tank Engines stickers on the wall. It's nice? I need some ideas for a new room, since I just need to get wallpaper/paint etc. I want it to suit me, not all flowery no. I'm thinking just one wall with a decent colour on it which I can put photos all in frames all over. OH I DON'T KNOW.
And another thing, my itunes deleted all my songs off my playlists the other day and told me I had no songs when I have like 2000? So I had to re-download it all, if I'm honest I think it was a good thing. It found some of the funniest songs from years ago that I got on like free CD's. David Hasselhoff? I'm surprised you're not in jail for liking little girls. I love itunes by the way. It's awesome.
Also before I go, you might have heard of them - they're quite old well - 3years old? They're amazing. They're called "Air Traffic" and everyone should give them a go. Au reviour :D
Air Traffic :D

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