Friday 15 October 2010

Inset day of boredum.

What an adventurous day it's been, no really I'm joking. I haven't done a single thing. Well if fighting with your dad counts then sure I've done more than David Cameron on a busy day. It's been a pretty boring day, I think I would have rather have been to school - least then I would have seen my friends and not get all my money taken off me by my father. My dad sucks. Now what shall I do tonight? >.> That's a question god probably can't even answer. I'm going end up staying in and watching half of my DVD's again. Oh what a nice life I lead.
Ah! It's Halloween soon, how fast has it gone since summer? O_o crazy. I saw my first pumpkin today, outside the fruit and vegetable shop near my house. £1.50 for a pumpkin? Is that cheap? Because I thought it was. Maybe it's because they're premature? Probably the wrong word to choose for a pumpkin. Ah well. What's everyone dressing as for Halloween? I really fancy going as this, yes put on your hard hats of immaturity.
Yes but wait before you judge, imagine the faces of you family and friends as you walked into the Halloween party. It would be like the best dressed at a prom. It would seriously be amazing. ANYWAYS! I chose my colours for my room today, I really hope I end up liking it. I can't be bothered changing it again, I get bored so easily gah. Any good? Mahbays? Oh I don't know I give up. I think that's all I have to tell you today. Thanks and follow me? :D

Good day fellow humans.

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